How to Ensure Your Mobile Devices Are Secure

Mobile office on table

Just about everyone has a mobile device these days, and most of these devices are used not only for personal use, but for business as well. From smartphones to tablets, these miniature powerhouses are commonplace. Especially because of all the amazing things they can do, mobile devices have to be protected just like any other tech device. Considering what’s stored on them, keeping your mobile device safe is paramount, for both personal and professional reasons. Be sure to keep these things in mind so as to keep your device protected.

Firstly of course, always have a lock-screen password in place. While it’s not a gridlock barrier against savvy intruders, having a simple blockade is essential to keeping your personal information safe. Without this, anyone can scroll through your apps, photos, notes and contact list.

Depending on what the device is used for, encryption is another step for total security. Encryption is another layer of protection for specific files, creating highly complex passwords and barriers before access. It’s one of the challenging things for a hacker or other malicious party to overcome and staves all but the savviest of intruders.

Not every danger is related to a person though. It’s important to also consider the threat of viral intrusions, as those rely on the mistakes of the individual than the cleverness of another person. All mobile devices should have some type of anti-virus software, as there are many compatible types for tablets and smartphones. Avast, for example, is completely free and can be installed regardless of operating system. Without this, a device is just as exposed, prone to all the dangers of malware, tracking, adware and worse.

Avoiding some of these problems comes down to network connection. When in doubt, it’s always best to go with your own Wi-Fi or network provider whenever possible. But, if traveling where this can’t be done, beware of opening secure information while connected to random public networks. These wireless hotspots are a bed of unsecured information, sent over an equally unsecured network. Anyone who knows what they’re doing can see your activity and information. If the idea of exposure makes you uncomfortable, so too should the concept that someone is stealing from you via wireless ports.

One of the last ways to keep your device secure is probably as old as it gets: storing it safely. Physical theft is still the most common way information is stolen from an individual. That being said, while traveling or in different locations it’s important to know where your devices are at all times. Keep them hidden, locked away, or whatever else you feel is necessary, but never be too careless. Theft can happen, even if it feels unlikely.

While accidents happen, taking these measures to tighten security on your mobile device will keep both your personal and business information safe and secure.