How to Ensure a Secure Mobile Connection

mobile connection key

Internet on the go is a convenient feature applicable to most modern devices and technology. Laptops, smartphones and tablets all have some way to connect to wireless connections – provided they detect them.

However, connecting to random wireless connections can be a major security risk, especially public wireless ones. This is because unsecured connections display your browsing history to anyone savvy enough to find it. In worst case scenarios, this can include sensitive login info for things like bank accounts or social media pages.

Nobody wants to deal with that, so how do you keep your data safe while browsing on connections abroad?

Fortunately, there are several easy things to do. First off, if not already, some form of anti-virus should be installed on your device. They do in fact exist for tablets and smartphones, and are handy to protect yourself from most malware attacks and intrusion attempts.

Keep programs and apps up to date, or at least the ones you use over a mobile connection. Outdated apps are what hackers and malware seek to exploit, as outdated firmware leaves vulnerabilities in protection.

You should also – if at all possible – avoid public wireless connections. While it was already mentioned, these networks are not secure and leave you extremely vulnerable. If you must use them, do so for a short time and limit the kinds of websites you access.

It’s also a good idea to use complex passwords for each of your logins, apps and software. Even when using encrypted connections, there are always bugs on the prowl to steal info. In some cases, when a third-party gains access to one password, they gain access to all of a person’s data. That’s because people tend to use simple passwords for every login and often use the same passwords for all logins.

While browsing, practice safe habits too. All the dangers of internet surfing are still present on mobile devices and the danger is punctuated because these devices don’t have the same means to protect themselves.

Therefore, avoid suspicious links and downloads which appear suspicious. It’s better to practice safety. Apps, for instance, might seem safe because they’re on an app store, but there are numerous scam programs which are essentially designed to steal your info and send you ads despite where they are hosted. Worse yet, their reputation is modified through rate bots, so shady third parties look for different means to exploit security.

As another line of defense, you can also choose to have the mobile device’s data wiped remotely. This is often used by professionals who keep high-profile company information on their phones, but it’s usable for personal use too. Having the wipe function means that if a device is lost, all data can be deleted from a different location. It’s not usually necessary, but a major failsafe.

Now that you have some basic tips for safe browsing, you’ll be able to scour the web from a mobile device without worry. Always practice scrutiny and when in doubt, take the safest route possible.